Video Gallery

We produce short garden related videos showing how we grow and garden in the EarthBox system. For more videos check out our Heritage Cottage YouTube Channel.

Pansy the Urban Nano Farm dog has given me an idea
I like to share great gardening products that will make the garden easier. The trays and containers from Bootstrap Farmer are heavy duty, reusable plastics and a much better choice than the single use plastics commonly used to grow for the garden. Check them out at
Growing onions in the early spring using my EarthBoxes is so easy in my Mississippi Gulf coast home garden and there’s still plenty of time on today’s Daily Dose of Hort
I’m an avid seeds saver and to protect target seeds from cross pollination some measures must be taken to maintain seed purity. I use mesh bags to keep wayward insects off my tomato flowers since tomatoes don’t rely on insects for pollination. Also, here’s a reminder to protect yourself from the skin cancer causing rays of the sun. I use protective sleeves for my arms from Farmers Defense.

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